Compte validé

Chien Bulldog Anglais Myally Bulldog The hitman

Myally Bulldog

Informations sur le chien

  • Sexe


  • Né le 28/06/2022

    2 an et 8 mois

  • Couleur


  • Puce


  • Inscrit au Livre d'origine


  • N° d'origine


  • Cotation

    1 - Confirmé

  • ADN



HUU - ClearCardiopathies - Indemne de sténose pulmonaire et autres cardiopathiesRotules et grassets - 0/0

Propriétaire et producteur

Les parents

bagibeli Ace of spades
bagibeli Ace of spades
Grand père
CH. bagibeli Billy ray
CH. bagibeli Billy ray
Grand mère
bagibeli Babyshambles
bagibeli Babyshambles
Grand père
CH. happy and glorious Aston martin
CH. happy and glorious Aston martin
Grand mère
happy and glorious Harmony
happy and glorious Harmony
Pédigree de Myally Bulldog The hitman
upload_filePédigrée n°1

Ses résultats

  • Myally Bulldog The hitman - 2nd puppy dog
    2nd puppy dog

    23/6/2023 à Blackpool

    2nd. Miss Cagniart?s Myally Bulldog The Hitman.Red dog of good type, no exaggerations at all. Clean head of correct shape with super upsweep . Very dark, round eyes. Good furrow. Sour expression. Well let down brisket between a square front with tacked on shoulders. Correct rear angulation. Good weight . Moved very well coming and going. He was a little unsettled today but still looks a promising young dog. Beautifully presented.

    Manifestion : Championship Show - Juge : Mrs Lorraine Watkins (UK)

  • Myally Bulldog The hitman - 2nd Puppy dog
    2nd Puppy dog

    23/6/2023 à Blackpool

    2. Cagniart, Myally Bulldog The HitmanRed & White 11 months, Lovely square front good skull size, dark eyes, well placed rose ears and dark muzzle, good upsweep of jaw, good barrel of rib with tacked on shoulders, good bone, moved OK .

    Manifestion : Open show - Juge : Mr Jeffrey Martin Dean (UK)

  • Myally Bulldog The hitman - NC

    7/5/2023 à Cérilly

    Manifestion : Nationale d élevage - Juge : Mr Sauer Jurgen (DE)

  • Myally Bulldog The hitman - 3rd Minor Puppy
    3rd Minor Puppy

    12/3/2023 à Birmingham

    Manifestion : CRUFTS - Juge : Mrs Harding

  • Myally Bulldog The hitman - 2nd VP
    2nd VP

    26/2/2023 à Belgique

    Manifestion : Double CAC - Juge : Mr Kevin Davis ( UK )

  • Myally Bulldog The hitman - 1st Very promising
    1st Very promising

    25/2/2023 à Belgique

    Manifestion : Puppy Contest - Juge : Mrs Sonia Saxon (UK)

  • Myally Bulldog The hitman - 2nd Minor puppy dog ( 4entrées )
    2nd Minor puppy dog ( 4entrées )

    15/1/2023 à Berkshire (Angleterre)

    Cagniart's Myally Bulldog The Hitman. R & W, lovely head, wide nostrils, in good condition, lovely front, nice top-line and moved ok.

    Manifestion : Championship show - Juge : Mr Rob Harris ( UK )

  • Myally Bulldog The hitman - Very promising / Best baby puppy / Reserve best baby puppy in show
    Very promising / Best baby puppy / Reserve best baby puppy in show

    11/12/2022 à Bruxelles

    Manifestion : Cacib - Juge : Mr Marko Lepasaar

  • Myally Bulldog The hitman - Very promising
    Very promising

    19/11/2022 à Courtrai

    Manifestion : Cacib - Juge : Savvas Hadjisavvas

  • Myally Bulldog The hitman - Very promising
    Very promising

    30/10/2022 à Leuven

    Manifestion : Cacib - Juge : Desserne Sylvie

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Un animal est un être sensible. Vous êtes responsable de la santé et du bien-être de votre animal pour toute sa vie. Pour plus d'informations, consultez le site du ministère chargé de l'agriculture :